2022 Anarchist’s Gift Guide, Day 6: Micro Mark Trammel Points &#8211

I use trammel points almost every day to scribe out large arcs. One of my biggest frustrations with trammels is that many hold standard wood-body pencils only.

Because of this, my line is always thinner at the beginning of the mark and fatter at the end. The difference in line width can make a difference to the end result.

So I sought some trammels that would hold a mechanical pencil with a fine lead so that the line thickness would remain the same. I couldn’t find one that satisfied me. 

But before I started designing my own for Crucible, I decided to see if I could modify a cheap pair of trammels to do what I wanted. And that’s when I stumbled on the Micro Mark Clamp-on Trammels. 

These will not win any beauty contests. But the pencil holders can be filed to accept a mechanical pencil. The tool’s body is likely some sort of zinc alloy, so it took only a few minutes to do the job (I think the paint was harder than the metal).

With this small modification, I have the trammels of my dreams. And for less than $15.

— Christopher Schwarz

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