Joint Stools Built by Readers &#8211

“Make a Joint Stool from a Tree” has been out a while now, so once you’ve digested  your copy, go get at some oak and let us see what you came up with. Hopefully summer will let go soon, so the heavy work of busting open a log won’t seem so daunting. I know I have cut back on what I have tackled during the heat and humidity.

Here is a stool sent in a while ago by reader Larry Barrett:

Here’s what Larry had to say:

“Attached are a few photos of joint stools, carved boxes and chairs – all made thanks to things I have learned from you both, either via your new book, Peter’s blog or classes with Jennie.  I have a good sized black (or maybe red) oak and a chestnut oak on the ground so there may be more to come.”

We’re thrilled to see this sort of work, so keep them coming. If you are working your way through the joint stool book, send me some stuff. We’d love to see it.

— Peter Follansbee, one of the authors of “Make a Joint Stool from a Tree”

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