Correction to Digital ‘Chairmaker’s Notebook’ &#8211


If you ordered a digital copy of “Chairmaker’s Notebook” – either the digital copy alone or the one packaged with the hardcover – check your Inbox. We have issued a new version of the digital copy of the book that corrects an error in the appendix on the shavehorse.

The hardcover version will be correct – so no worries there.

We don’t have a lot of errors, but when we find them, we issue a new digital version of the book for free download to current customers. We then publish the correction here on the web site for our print customers. And we offer a corrected page that you can slip into your print copy, as we did here.

All first editions (even from major publishers) have minor problems that slip by the editors and the author during the proofing process. The real test is what the publishing house does when an error is found.

Apologies for the error.

— Christopher Schwarz

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