News on ‘The Joiner and Cabinet Maker’ &#8211

We have ordered the second printing of “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” to replenish our depleted supplies of this book. So if you are one of those people who really likes first editions of books, I recommend you act soon.

You can buy it from us here and it will be signed by me. Or you can order it from Tools for Working Wood and it will be autographed by Joel Moskowitz, my co-author. Either way, we are down to about 100 copies of this book.

The second printing will have a few minor typos corrected – nothing even worth issuing an errata sheet for. The cover will be the same color. The paper will be the same.

While that sounds quite boring, we have some exciting news about this book.

First, we will be offering it in Kindle and ePub versions in the next few weeks. The price for either will be $17, and it will be DRM-free – so you’ll be able to enjoy it on all your readers without any pesky security hassles. Stay tuned here for the release announcement on this electronic edition for Kindle, iPads and other readers.

And next month we are recording an audiobook version of the original text, with voices, sound effects and the like. It will be available as an mp3 for your iPod or iPhone, or a CD for your car. Sorry, we will not be issuing it on cassette or 8-track.

Finally, if you are curious about this book, check out Rob Campbell’s great blog. He has been basically living the “Joiner and Cabinet Maker” lifestyle for some time now, building the projects using the traditional techniques. It is both awesome and inspiring to see someone who has actually built more copies of the Schoolbox than I have.

— Christopher Schwarz

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