‘Calvin Cobb’ Countdown – And a Free Excerpt &#8211

CalvinCobb_Jacket6Barring some freak accident, Roy Underhill’s “Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!” will begin shipping out to customers in one week.

At the same time, the book will be trucked and flown to our retailers. The following merchants have agreed to carry the book: Lee Valley Tools, Highland Woodworking, Tools for Working Wood and Classic Hand Tools in the UK.

International customers can also buy the downloadable version in the Lost Art Press store here.

To give you a small taste of Roy’s fiction writing, I’ve prepared an excerpt of Chapter 1 in pdf format. We might trot out a couple more chapters in the coming week and – if you are good – perhaps a dramatic reading by the man himself….


Also, a quick reminder about shipping: We are offering free domestic shipping on this title until Nov. 29, when the shipping will be about $7. You can place your order here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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