Free Download: Deluxe Plans for ‘The Schoolbox’ &#8211

To thank everyone who has ordered a copy of “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker,” we’d like to offer you this free deluxe SketchUp file of “The Schoolbox” – the second project in the book.

This file was made by Randall Wilkins, a set designer in the film industry who uses SketchUp in his job and in his woodworking hobby. This file is extremely cool. Here are some details.

Wilkins has added additional scenes (click on the tabs at the top of the file) that will create shop drawings for you in a variety of views, including some helpful section views. All the surfaces have a nice wood grain pattern on them. And the box’s lid is now a dynamic component – which means it will open and shut with a mouse click. Here’s how to do that:

In Sketchup, go to View/Tool Palettes/Dynamic Components, a new tool palette will open. Click on the little hand and then touch the box lid. It will open and close again on the next click. This will work from any view. Wilkins created these drawings because he is planning on making a copy of the schoolbox for each of his daughters. But he also graciously allowed us to share it with you.

Don’t have SketchUp? You should. It’s a free download from Google. To download the file, click here.

Thanks for all your help in making this book a success, ensuring we can make more new books like it.

All the best,

Christopher Schwarz

“The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” is available here.
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