Download a Free Excerpt of ‘Shaker Inspiration’ &#8211

SI_cover_web“Shaker Inspiration” is at the printer, and is on track to ship in mid to late November.

Until the harcover book ships, all customers who purchase the book get free pdf download of the entire book at checkout. The pdf is hi-resolution and searchable – handy for taking along on a trip or for searching.

Also, like all Lost Art Press digital products, it is offered without DRM (digital rights management), so you can easily integrate it into your personal library without passwords or having to be connected to the internet when you read it.

As of now, the hardcover book and pdf cost $43. When the book ships, the price for the book plus the pdf will be $53.75.

For those who might be unsure if this book is their cup of tea/La Croix/bourbon, here’s a high-resolution excerpt of various sections of the book. It’s short, but will give you a  taste of what this book is about: how-to, design, the business of woodworking, inspiration and measured drawings.  Click the link below, and the download will begin:


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