More Crucible Lump Hammers on Thursday &#8211


A large number of Crucible Lump Hammers will go up for sale in our store at noon Eastern time on Thursday, Nov. 15. This likely will be the last batch of lump hammers we will sell before Christmas.

This is our largest batch so far – Raney has been toiling for weeks in the Crucible Lab to get the heads milled and the hammers assembled and finished. We hope this batch will last a good long time so that everyone who wants one can get one, but we simply don’t know if we’ve made enough this time. So mark your calendars and set an alarm to avoid disappointment.

And Sweatshirts!
We now offer high-quality Champion sweatshirts that feature the Crucible logo – an ancient symbol used by alchemists in recipes to depict a crucible. These sweatshirts are the best we can get our hands on – hence the price. (We’re taking very little profit on these.)

One last note: If you have a question about Crucible, please send it to Sending questions about Crucible to Lost Art Press will only delay you getting your answer. Crucible is a separate company with different people handling different chores. Thanks.

— Christopher Schwarz

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