Chair Plans Now Available for Download &#8211


The full-size plans for “Chairmaker’s Notebook” are now available in both printed form and as a pdf. The electronic version is ideal for international customers or those who would rather have the plans printed out at a reprographics firm and get them rolled instead of folded.

Rolling the printed plans and shipping them is simply impossible for us, I’m afraid.

The pdf version is $20 and – like the printed plans – produces a 36” x 48” sheet. This is a fairly standard size that most reprographics companies can handle.

If you live in the United States you can have Staples print them for you and roll them. Check out this page. This is how we proofed the plans. You can upload the file to Staples and they will output it the same day. They will even deliver it to you.

— Christopher Schwarz

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