Candle Stand (x 9) &#8211

This past week I taught a class at the Wood and Shop School on building a Shaker candle stand for the first time. The table we made is pretty much a dead copy of one I measured a few years back at Hancock Shaker Village.

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photo by Joshua Farnsworth

I was surprised at how well everyone took to cutting the sliding dovetails that attach the legs to the spindle. The fit and and function of the joinery was top notch.

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Mark Firley of The Furniture Record was not at all impressed with my machine gun pose.
photo by J.F.
photo by J.F.

I have written and done a video on building this table in the past; it is one of my all-time favorite projects. Building this wonderful table with all of its cool little details in a class with a great group students really brought the project full circle for me.

— Will Myers

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