Here Come the ‘Stick Chair Merit Badges’ &#8211

We received our first load of entries today for the “Stick Chair Merit Badges.” And everyone followed instructions. Thank you!

It’s great to see all the different chairs and their personalities (and their owners). If you would like a merit badge for your shop apron or tuxedo, there is only one way to get them and here are the instructions.

If you don’t sew, and you don’t know anyone who does, you can also glue these patches on garments. I use Fabric Fusion, which is used for fabric repair. It works like woodworking glue. Apply a thin and consistent coat to the back of the patch. Tape it to the garment. Place something heavy on top of the patch for a couple hours. That’s it.

Like furniture, a glue-only joint isn’t as good as something with a mechanical interlock. But this is better than rubber cement.

Note that the “Stick Chair Merit Badges” patches are not iron-on. They need to be stitched or glued on.

— Christopher Schwarz

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