Last Day for Free Shipping on ‘Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!’ &#8211


Midnight tonight (Nov. 29, 2014) is the last time you will see free domestic shipping on Roy Underhill’s “Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!” The book is $29. Shipping and handling fees will be about $7.

To give you a further taste of this funny book, today I took our video camera to the home of Megan Fitzpatrick, who edited the book for us. Megan read one of her favorite chapters. It’s a bit long, but it’s a good one.

While she was reading it I laughed at a joke in the chapter I hadn’t caught before: Brown University. See if you can catch the joke in the reading. The book is absolutely filled with little things like this that you don’t get unless you read it with care.

I’d say that Roy is the Thomas Pynchon of woodworking novelists, but as this is the first-ever woodworking novel, he’s also the Danielle Steel of woodworking novelists.

Anyway, enjoy Megan’s scolding of her cat JJ at the beginning of the video.

“Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!” is available from the Lost Art Press store and our other retailers.

— Christopher Schwarz

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