A Change in Plans/Color for ‘The Joiner & Cabinet-Maker’ &#8211


There was a mixup at the printing plant, and they ordered the wrong color paper for the cover of our special reprint of “The Joiner and Cabinet-Maker.” While we had ordered a dark green for the cover, the printing plant used a dark blue instead.

Our choice today was: Pulp the entire press run or use the blue cover.

While I would have rather had a green cover, I despise waste. And so we have decided to go with the blue cover. Apologies if you hate blue. If it is really and truly a problem, please contact help@lostartpress.com and we’ll cancel your order.

The book looks really good – even in blue. And the rest of the printing job is great as well.

I don’t have an update on when the book will ship to our warehouse, but I am guessing it will be a couple weeks. I’ll post an update as soon as I have it.

— Christopher Schwarz


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