A Class for a Good Cause &#8211

Registration opens tomorrow at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking (MASW) where I am teaching a weekend class in 2023 in making a staked stool.

This is a rare instance of me leaving the nest to teach. But I’m doing it for three reasons.

  1. Marc readily agreed that all proceeds from the class, including students’ tuition and my instructor fee, will go to the Roger Cliffe Memorial Foundation, which funds scholarships for woodworking education.
  2. Marc (and Kelly Mehler) were the first two schools that took a chance on me as an instructor. I was a terrible teacher at first. In fact, if you were in my first class at MASW I owe you a personal apology and probably a T-shirt. Yet Marc kept me on there for 10 more years.
  3. This is Marc’s 30th year in business, and he asked many of his past instructors to come back to teach a class. How could I say no?

The class is Oct. 14-15, 2023. All the details are on the MASW website. Hope you will consider joining us.

— Christopher Schwarz

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