‘Chairmaker’s Notebook:’ Reviews and an Update on Plans &#8211


There have been several glowing reviews of Peter Galbert’s “Chairmaker’s Notebook,” but because of other book projects I haven’t had time to compile them for the blog.

Here are a few that I like:

One from carver David Fisher.

A second from chairmaker Ray Schwanenberger.

And a third from J. Norman Reid at Highland Woodworking.

We don’t solicit reviews, so these are the real deal. The most gratifying part of the reviews is that people are becoming aware that “Chairmaker’s Notebook” isn’t about chairs alone. It’s a deep dive into the world of high craftsmanship that starts with a simple walk through the woods.

In other chairmaking news, Peter and I are in the final stages of proofing the full-size plans for the two chairs featured in the book. These plans will likely be printed on one huge sheet of engineering-weight paper and be reasonably priced – about $25 to $28, if our supplier can deliver the quality we want.

More news on the plans is forthcoming later this week.

— Christopher Schwarz

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