Free Videos for ‘The Joiner & Cabinet Maker’ &#8211

The Packing Box from Christopher Schwarz on Vimeo.

When we published “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker” I had a large number of images that didn’t make it into the book for space reasons. So I put together three narrated slideshows – one for each of the projects in the book: the packing box, the schoolbox and the chest of drawers.

We sold these (along with some other assorted extras) on a CD. As CD-ROM drives have disappeared, we considered offering these as streaming video. Then we said: Nah, let’s just give them away for free.

The Schoolbox from Christopher Schwarz on Vimeo.

The Chest of Drawers from Christopher Schwarz on Vimeo.

So now you can watch all three narrated slideshows for the book on our Vimeo channel with no advertisements or other garbage. I’ve also embedded them here for your convenience.

— Christopher Schwarz

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