Had Enough Workbench Blather? No? &#8211

In case you are living under a rock, the Wood Whisperer Marc Spagnuolo and his band of guilders are building the split-top Roubo workbench as part of a group thing.

Recently Marc interviewed me via Skype about my thoughts on split-top Roubo benches and thong underwear. It was an hour-long interview, and I am sure that I offended at least five indigenous cultures in this hemisphere.

So if you want to learn about how I am impossibly shy and afraid of human contact, listen to the interview. Want to know what I think of Douglas fir as a bench material? What I think of Benchcrafted vises — for real? Why I’ve never built the split-top design? My favorite benchtop finish that doesn’t involve pornography?

Sigh. I should never do interviews.

Marc has posted the entire interview for your listening derision here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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