‘Hands Employed Aright’ Book Release Party with Joshua Klein &#8211

Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 12.52.28 PM
Photo from the Mortise & Tenon Instagram feed.

Joshua Klein of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is coming all the way from Maine to celebrate the release of his book “Hands Employed Aright.” He’ll be around the shop during the day for the Open House, then from 7-10 p.m., we’re hosting Joshua and his wife, Julia, for a reading and celebration – and you’re invited!

“Hand Employed Aright: The Furniture Making of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847)” is a rare peek into the life of an early American woodworker through his extensive diaries, his tools and the furniture he left behind. The book is gorgeously illustrated with Klein’s photographs, plus historical paintings and letters.

Come hear Joshua discuss this intimate portrait of Jonathan Fisher as he built his life on the frontier in the 18th century.

We’ll supply the snacks and beverages (we’re thinking 18th-century-style cool ranch mutton bites along with small beer and cider…but we’ll likely come to our senses); you help to supply the fun!

Click here to register (the event is free – we just need to know how many mutton bites to make).

— Fitz

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