‘Make a Chair From a Tree’ Streaming Video Now Available &#8211


We are pleased to announce that after years of work, revisions, agita and waiting, that you can now watch the great video “Make a Chair From a Tree” streaming on virtually any device.

The video, shot by Anatol Polillo, has been digitized and is available through our store for $25. When you order the video, you will be able to stream it to almost any internet-connected device. You also will be able to download it to watch it on your phone, tablet or desktop machine without an internet connection.

We offer this two-hour video without any Digital Rights Management (DRM), which means you will be able to play the file on any device without any passwords, keys or other inconvenience.

This video was based on the second edition of Jennie Alexander’s “Make a Chair From a Tree” book and includes many of the improvements she developed after teaching this post-and-rung chair for years.

The chair itself – what we call the “Jennie Chair” – is the most comfortable wooden chair I’ve ever sat in. And I say that as a chairmaker. The chair is made from an economy of both tools and materials. It really is an astounding piece of work.

In addition to the video, we have produced a packet of updated drawings that illustrate the important bits of the chair and the jigs that Jennie discusses in the video. You’ll receive a link to download the pdf at checkout. Or you can download these drawing here. These drawings are the latest and most accurate – we were working with Jennie on these up until her death in 2018. If you own a copy of the DVD, please feel free to download these updated drawings.

On a personal note, thanks to all of the people in Jennie’s life who allowed us to move forward with this important project, from Jennie’s heirs to her woodworking colleagues to her family, friends and caregivers. We think Jennie’s legacy and her influence on woodworkers will not end with her death. And that’s why we will offer this video and a third edition of the book “Make a Chair From a Tree” in the coming months. With any luck, there will be future generations of woodworkers who will be inspired by her simple (but elegant) designs and methods.

You can order the video here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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