Name the Image Source: A Call for Help &#8211

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Edit: Thank you! Mystery solved!

As we’ve worked on David Savage’s forthcoming book “The Intelligent Hand,” I’ve been sourcing a number of images both to secure permissions and to get high-resolution versions suitable for print. While my sleuthing skills are reasonably well-honed, one cluster of images has me beat. I’m hopeful you can help.

The images above and below show Euclidean proportions in the 17th-century Katsura Imperial Villa, located in what is now a suburb of Kyota, Japan.

I’ve paged through numerous books on the villa (in both English and Japanese) and spent hours online looking for these specific sketches, but no joy.

If anyone can identify the source, I’d be grateful. Post a comment or drop me an email (my name below is linked to my address).

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— Megan Fitzpatrick

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