New in Store: ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ Expanded Edition &#8211

ADB_expanded_mockup_cover2You can now place a pre-publication order for the expanded edition of “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” The book is in the hands of the printer and should be complete in early January. If you place a pre-publication order before January, you will receive a free pdf download of the book at checkout.

The expanded edition is 200 pages longer than the first edition and includes six additional projects, plus new chapters on the design and philosophy that is the backbone of the book.

The new edition is $49 – that’s only $2 more than the first edition. We’re also sewing in a red bookmark ribbon in each book. I’ve always liked bookmark ribbons, though they add some expense to the manufacturing.

What hasn’t changed: The book is still produced and printed entirely in the United States. The 656 pages are casebound, the pages are sewn for durability and the book is covered in a tough hardback cover. We want our books to outlast us.

You can order your copy from our store via this link. As always, we hope all our retailers will carry the book, but it is entirely up to them. Please contact your local retailer for information.

The Chapters

Below is the table of contents for the expanded edition. I’ve set the new chapters in italics.


1: The Furniture of Your Gaoler
2: A Guide to Uncivil Engineering


3: An Introduction to Staked Furniture
4: Staked Sawbench, Plate 1
5: Extrude This
6: Staked Low Stool, Plate 2
7: Staked High Stool, Plate 3
8: Drinking Tables, Plate 4
9: Furniture in the Water
10: Worktable, Plate 5
11: Staked Bed, Plate 6
12: Trestle Tables, Plate 7
13: Seeing Red
14: Chairs! Chairs!
15: Notes on Chair Comfort
16: Staked Backstool, Plate 8
17: Staked Chair, Plate 9
18: Staked Armchair, Plate 10


19: All Aboveboard
20: Bare Bones Basics of Nail Technology
21: Low Boarded Bench, Plate 11
22: Boarded Tool Chest, Plate 12
23: To Make Anything
24: Six-board Chest, Plate 13
25: Mule Chest, Plate 14
26: Boarded Settle Chair, Plate 15
27: Boarded Bookshelf, Plate 16
28: Aumbry, Plate 17
29: Fear Not
30: Coffin, Plate 18
31: The Island of Misfit Designs

A: Tools You Need
B: On Hide Glue
C: On Soap Finish
D: On Milk Paint
E: Tenons by Hand
F: Machine Tapers
G: Seat Templates

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. If you have a print or pdf copy of the original edition, you can download the new contents for free – no matter where you purchased the book. Here’s how.

P.P.S. Also, several people have asked why we didn’t simply publish a “Volume 2” of the design book containing only the new material. Two reasons: You need the information from the original edition to make sense of the new material. I dislike books that cannot stand on their own. Second: A second volume of 200 pages would have cost about $35 retail (the printing business is complex). So owning both volumes would have cost readers $82. The way we’ve done it is (I think) the most fair and the least wasteful. But that’s me.

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