Dave Sawyer &#8211

This post originally appeared on Peter Follansbee’s blog, Joiner’s Notes. Reprinted here with permission. I read last week that chairmaker Dave Sawyer passed away. I never knew him, but I felt very connected to his work through our many mutual friends. Over the past ten years or so I’ve been working on this idea in …

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Staked, Boarded and Folding Furniture from 1570 Italy &#8211

Indexer Suzanne Ellison was browsing this week through the 1570 “Opera di M. Bartolomeo Scappi,” a huge six-part book documenting the recipes Scappi cooked for cardinals and popes. And she turned up these interesting plates featuring some early furniture forms straight from the Middle Ages and “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” Check out the staked tables …

Staked, Boarded and Folding Furniture from 1570 Italy &#8211 Read More »

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