Roy Underhill Reads ‘Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!’ &#8211

Listening to an author read his or her work is always enlightening. For me, it’s similar to the difference between a recorded song and a live song. You hear something different.

Because we cannot drive Roy to your house, we asked him to take a few minutes this week to read one of his favorite chapters from his new novel: “Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!” He read Chapter 12 in his cabin, which is above the mill building where he and Jane live in North Carolina.

Roy lit a fire, fired up the laptop and recorded this short 7-minute chapter for you to enjoy.

This weekend, Megan Fitzpatrick (who edited the novel) and I (who watched) will be filming each of us reading our favorite chapters and posting them here. I plan to read mine while wearing my tube top, if I can find it.

If you can get the image of a tube-topped yeti out of your head, I’d also like to mention that “Calvin Cobb” is available with free domestic shipping until Nov. 29. After that, I think shipping will be $7.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. I know this little film will renew calls for Roy to do an audiobook version of the book. We hear you! Before we even think about that possibility we have to complete a lot of other projects first. Sorry. We are only two people.

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