Surrey Larcenies &c. &#8211

stolen_saw300. Edward Turner was indicted for stealing, on the 4th of November, 1 saw, value 1l. 7s., the goods of William Beal, and that he had been before convicted of felony.

William Beal. I am a sawyer, and live at Mr. Langton’s timber-yard, Narrow-wall. I lost a saw, on the 4th of November, from that yard—I was at work with it all that evening—I left it under the roof of the sawpit—I returned the next morning, as soon as it was light, and missed it— I found it at the pawnbroker’s—I do not know the prisoner—this is the saw—it cost me 29s. when new.

Henry Garrod. I live at No. 51, Charlotte-terrace, Lambeth. On the 4th of November, I took this saw in pledge from the prisoner, in the name of James Turner—I am sure it was James.

William Turner. I was standing before Mr. Hickinbotham’s shop, on the 4th of November, and saw the prisoner take the saw to pawn—I am no relation of his.

Stephen Warley, (police-constable L 121.) I took the prisoner into custody, and produce the saw.

William Driver. I am a cooper, and was a constable. I produce a certificate of the prisoner’s former conviction, which I got from Mr. Lawson’s, the clerk of the peace for Surrey—the prisoner is the man (read.)

Prisoner’s Defence. I pledged the saw and a copper glue-pot—on the 6th I went to get it out, and I had not got sufficient money—this is the ticket he gave me—he put a wrong name on my ticket—I had not sufficient money to get the things out, and left some articles for them— this is the hand-writing on the ticket.

GUILTY. Aged 22.—Transported for Fourteen Years.

Taken in short-hand by Henry Buckler.

Central Criminal Court. Minutes of Evidence Vol. III – 1836

—Jeff Burks

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