The End of Pre-ordering is Nigh &#8211

This year, we’ve decided to stop offering pre-publication orders for books (we’ve never offered it for tools).

Here’s the reason: About 80 percent of our customer service inquiries consist of, “Where is the thing I ordered?” And the “thing” is still at the printing plant. Most of these customers didn’t realize (or forgot) that they’d placed a pre-publication order.

It didn’t matter how many times we put the shipping date on their receipt or at the top of the ordering page. People overlooked it.

And as our company has grown, answering this question over and over has become a significant part of the work that Meghan and Megan do for us. We’d much rather have them work on making you new books instead of dealing with frustrated customers.

So going forward, here’s how book releases will work. When the book arrives in our warehouse, we’ll open up sales and start shipping immediately. And for the first 30 days the book is out, customers will receive a free pdf download of the book (if one is available).

This change will (I hope) reduce frustration all around.

By the way, “The Woodworker’s Pocket Book” should arrive in the warehouse next week. 

— Christopher Schwarz

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