The ‘Sharpen This’ Speech – Now Available &#8211

Highland Woodworking has published my “Sharpen This – the Hand-tool Backlash” speech that I gave at the Lie-Nielsen Open House a couple years ago. You can read the whole thing in Highland’s newsletter here.

(Note: You can subscribe to the free newsletter here and also read all the back issues.)

Chris Bagby at Highland asked if I would tweak a few sentences of the speech to take it from an R rating to a solid PG. But he didn’t ask me to pull any punches. So now the speech is an article called “Sharpen Up or Shut Up.” It’s basically the same speech but without a few Bozo-no-no words and my Southern preacher imitation.

Check it out. And if you like it, you might like the short series I wrote for the blog (also free). You can check that out here.

Thanks to Highland for asking to publish this.

— Christopher Schwarz

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