Watch Jögge Sundqvist Build a Chair &#8211


Jögge Sundqvist, the author of “Slöjd in Wood,” was recently featured on the Swedish program Go’kväll and is shown building and painting a chair.

The program is in Swedish, but you can still learn a lot from watching the video. First, it’s great to see where Jögge works and the incredible pile of potential parts he warehouses. Also nice: The way he splits the spindles for the backrest and then carves them so they are sympathetic to the pith in the branches. And the details on how he fits his legs.

You can see his finished chair on his Instagram feed.

To watch, click here and scroll forward to the 32:00 mark – just after the make-up tips.

— Christopher Schwarz


P.S. Thanks to Heather Barthell for the tip!

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