Updates to the ‘Ingenious Mechanicks’ PDF &#8211

IM_dustjacket2Several customers have asked why they are receiving emails from our store notifying them that there is an updated pdf of “Ingenious Mechanics” ready for download.

Is this a scam? A mailserver error? Did chipmunks chew a CAT5 cable?

No. There’s a new pdf available for you to download.

When we make updates to the pdfs that we sell on our site, we ask our software to notify all existing customers that a new version is available. There have been two updates to the pdfs this week.

The first update was to increase the resolution of the photos (we doubled it).

The second change was to add the cover to the beginning of the pdf.

We’ll probably have another update or two in the coming months as readers point out corrections or typos.

— Christopher Schwarz

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