‘Honest Labour’ – Call for Edits &#8211


“Honest Labour: The Charles H. Hayward Years” was a labor (labour?) of love for editor Kara Uhl and for Lost Art Press – no one was sure how this collection of Hayward’s “Chips From the Chisel” columns would be received. We’re glad you liked it – and that you liked it enough that we’ve almost sold through the first printing. So on Monday, Aug. 10, we’re going back to press.

We know about the three Roosevelt corrections on pages 81, 115 and 129 (as copy editor, I take all the blame for those mistakes. Of course I know it was Franklin, not Theodore, who was President during WWII. I don’t know how I missed those…but I did).

So other than those FDRs (about which I expect I’ll feel guilty for at least a decade), we’re asking for any oopsies you might have spotted – by Sunday (Aug. 9). Please send any corrections to me in an email: fitz@lostartpress.com. I’ll make those first thing Monday.

— Fitz

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