Thank you &#8211

Don’t ask. I posted this at my blog but am sharing it here because it’s the best way I know of to thank those who contributed to the fundraiser Megan organized on my behalf last week. A Little Acorn will show up at your Inbox next weekend, and it’s going to be a fun one! …

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German Type Mallet &#8211

The Continental Pattern Mallet – The shaft passes right through and is wedged at the top. An Excerpt from “The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years: Volume II” published by Lost Art Press.  The mallet is one of those tools whose shape and form we accept without question until an alternative is brought to our attention. …

German Type Mallet &#8211 Read More »

Two-Foot Rules &#8211

One leg of this scale has been cleaned with lanolin. The other has been wiped with wood bleach, which lightened the boxwood but didn’t affect the markings. This is an excerpt from “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” by Anon, Christopher Schwarz and Joel Moskowitz. The two-foot rule was the standard measuring device for woodworking for hundreds …

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