‘Chairmaker’s Notebook:’ Reviews and an Update on Plans &#8211

There have been several glowing reviews of Peter Galbert’s “Chairmaker’s Notebook,” but because of other book projects I haven’t had time to compile them for the blog. Here are a few that I like: One from carver David Fisher. A second from chairmaker Ray Schwanenberger. And a third from J. Norman Reid at Highland Woodworking. …

‘Chairmaker’s Notebook:’ Reviews and an Update on Plans &#8211 Read More »

‘The Anarchist’s Design Book: Expanded Edition’ Now Shipping &#8211

Our warehouse has begun shipping out copies of “The Anarchist’s Design Book: Expanded Edition.” If you placed a pre-publication order, you will be notified when the book goes out. There were a lot of pre-publication orders, so it might take them a few days. (So don’t panic if you haven’t been notified.) I received my …

‘The Anarchist’s Design Book: Expanded Edition’ Now Shipping &#8211 Read More »

Video &#8211

The core “Virtuoso” team is currently returning to a normal orbit after the fourth (and ostensibly last) pilgrimage to the Studley tool chest. As Chris has described elsewhere, after this visit I can finally check off a nagging item on my “Virtuoso” to-do list: getting the tool chest off the wall. Writing up a list of …

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