Playful Things &#8211

A detail of the drawers for James Krenov’s 1977 “A Playful Thing.” Photo by David Welter. I’m a furniture maker first and a writer second, or maybe third (after, perhaps, being a master of tangential side projects). So, when I approached writing “James Krenov: Leave Fingerprints,” my biography of the cabinetmaker who was the founder …

Playful Things &#8211 Read More »

New in Store: ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ Expanded Edition &#8211

You can now place a pre-publication order for the expanded edition of “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” The book is in the hands of the printer and should be complete in early January. If you place a pre-publication order before January, you will receive a free pdf download of the book at checkout. The expanded edition …

New in Store: ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ Expanded Edition &#8211 Read More »

Build the ‘Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ in Germany this Summer &#8211

This June I’m returning to Germany to teach two classes at Dick GmbH, which runs a beautiful woodworking school in Bavaria outside Metten. My short course on sawing is fully booked, but there are still three two spaces left to build the tool chest from my forthcoming book “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.” The class runs …

Build the ‘Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ in Germany this Summer &#8211 Read More »

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